Operating arrangements

  1. Fire safety

All members of staff should note the following general fire prevention guidance:

• Fire exits and fire exit routes must be kept clear of obstructions and flammable materials.

• Rubbish, waste paper and other materials must not be allowed to accumulate.

• Flammable materials and substances must not be left near a heat or ignition source.

• Electrical equipment should be checked regularly and switched off when not in use.

• Make sure you know which extinguisher to use on which sort of fire.

Fire risk assessments will be carried out in owned premises and information on fire procedures will be given to landlords in leased premises.

2. Accident Reporting

The primary purpose of reporting accidents and incidents is to identify the underlying cause(s) of the accident and incident and any contributing factors in order to prevent a similar occurrence. All accidents and incidents, however trivial they may appear, must therefore be reported immediately to the relevant Project Manager. (If the accident occurs at the weekend, the Health and Safety Officer should be notified direct). An Accident Form should be completed and submitted to the Project Manager as soon as possible after the incident. Completed forms should be hand delivered to the Health and Safety Officer. The Health and Safety Officer will deal with any incidents to be reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations1995) and will ensure that investigations have been carried out. Project Managers will conduct investigations of each incident to ensure that, wherever possible, a repeat event is prevented.

3. First Aid

Each base is supplied with a standard 1-50 person First Aid kit. Personal First Aid kits are available for off-site activities. It is the responsibility of staff to ensure that kits are regularly checked and replenished and that medication is not being kept in them.

All members of staff are offered the opportunity to attend First Aid training.

Staff should make themselves aware of First Aid facilities when working in non-HYO premises.

4. Potential to Cause Harm Spotting and Risk Assessment

All projects, activities, tasks, residentials and trips undertaken and managed by ESYC will be risk assessed..

It is the responsibility of the Health and Safety Officer to ensure that an assessment of business risk is carried out and reviewed on an annual basis. It is also the responsibility of the Health and Safety Officer to ensure that risk assessments for all activities are carried out and reviewed. This includes fund raising events and activities – see Event Checklist.

The Office Manager will carry out and review office based risk assessments.

Each person leading an activity will work with their line manager to carry out a suitable a sufficient risk assessment.

Any member of staff who works alone and unsupervised with young people or participates in home visits in relation to their work must follow the guidelines for lone working and home visiting.

Staff will be notified of the outcomes of risk assessments.

Staff encountering unforeseen safety hazards should report them to the Health and Safety Officer immediately.


When applicable COSHH assessments will be carried out and the assessments, together with safety data sheets will be held in a COSHH file. Staff will be notified of the outcomes.

6. Electricity

Only electrical equipment or appliances supplied and tested or approved for use by ESYC should be used. Under no circumstances should staff make alterations or adaptations to electrical equipment or the electrical supply unless qualified to do so. Only qualified electricians will be used when undertaking work on electrical systems and equipment.

Competent electricians will undertake electrical tests. Fixed and portable electrical equipment must not be used unless it has first been inspected. When an appliance has been tested, a label will be fixed showing the test date, the identity of the competent person and the date of the next test. Records of PAT and fixed electrical installation testing will be maintained. Faults or defects must be reported immediately to your line manager. Faulty equipment must be labelled immediately and isolated from the energy supply.

Staff should carry out a visual check of their electrical equipment every six months.

Visitors or contractors providing their own electrical equipment may be asked to provide appropriate electrical test certification.

7. Moving and Handling

All staff will be given instruction in moving and handling techniques and should note that:

• If an object is heavy or bulky, assistance should be sought rather than risk injury.

• Staff suffering from a physical complaint or condition that may put them at risk of injury should not lift or carry heavy equipment or materials.

• If moving and handling cannot be avoided, staff should assess the load and take action to minimise the risk of injury.

To assess loads and lift correctly, you should consider the following:

• Survey the load and your environment (i.e. is the load heavy, awkward, hard to grasp, cold or hot? Do you need to bend, twist, stretch or stoop? Is the floor level? Are there any steps or stairs to negotiate? Is the route clear? Is it really necessary?)

• Can it be carried out by one person without assistance

• Is mechanical assistance required and readily available eg trolley

• Relax - tension can lead to a rigid lifting technique that in turn can cause damage.

• Plant your feet close to the load and comfortably apart to aid your balance.

• Bend your knees not your back.

• Maintain your balance through the lift.

• Keep your back as straight as possible and maintain the natural curve in your back.

• Grip the load properly by taking its weight in your palms, not on your fingers alone.

• Lift your head to straighten your back just before you lift.

• Lift using your thigh and calf muscles.

• Keep the load close to your waist as you carry it.

• Avoid jerky movements.

• Reverse the process when you set the load down.

8. Display Screen Equipment

All staff defined as DSE users can review their own work layout, furniture and practice in line with H & S Executive Easy Guide working with VDUs. Any changes required will be actioned and one-to-one guidance and instruction on safe working with display screen equipment will be available.

9. Vehicle Safety

Staff and volunteers driving their own vehicles on ESYC business should adhere to the following:

• Vehicles must in a roadworthy condition, serviced regularly and have current MOT, insurance and road tax.

• Drivers must hold a current driving licence.

• Drivers must adhere to the Highway Code and Road Traffic Act.

• Vehicles must not be driven whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• If taking medication, this should be discussed with the CEO

• Mobile phones must not be used whilst the vehicle is in motion, unless a hands free kit has been installed.

• All accidents must be reported in accordance with procedures.

• Vehicles should be loaded and unloaded safely using appropriate manual handling techniques.

• All driving licences will be reviewed annually or after a Road Traffic Accident.

10. Personal Protective Equipment

ESYC will provide all PPE requirements identified through the risk assessment process. PPE and clothing provided must be used in accordance with safe working procedures. Staff must immediately report any defects that occur in their protective clothing and equipment issued to them. The use of safety shoes is job specific and as required by the risk assessments.

11. Lone Working

Lone workers are defined as staff, volunteers, visitors and contractors who work by themselves without close or direct supervision, often outside normal working hours. An assessment will be undertaken to identify any activities presenting a special risk to the lone worker and guidance is provided in the Lone Working Procedure - see Lone Working Procedure.

12. Mobile Phones

Personal use of the ESYC mobile phone is allowed for emergencies or occasional necessary use (i.e. informing a relative that you are working late). Use of the phone may be monitored.

Personal mobile phones must be kept on vibrate only during working hours and staff are asked to use personal phones with discretion.

Staff should note that although research into adverse health risks has so far proved inconclusive, the use of mobile phones for prolonged periods is discouraged.

13. Working at Height

Working at height can be very hazardous, even when using small ladders or stepladders. Ladder failure (due to age, damage or overloading) can cause people and equipment to fall; contact with electrical supply can be lethal; people can fall due to over-reaching or stretching too far; and ladders can slip due to incorrect securing.

ESYC will ensure that only competent, trained and experienced staff, volunteers or contractors will use ladders and stepladders. We will also keep a register of our ladders and maintain records of inspection.

Only approved contractors will be authorised to carry out work at height.

14. Noise

Whilst noise levels are considered to be below action levels, monitoring will continue.

15. Equipment and Maintenance

We will endeavour to provide adequate furniture and equipment to ensure the safety and comfort of staff. Anyone who experiences discomfort or who discovers faulty equipment should inform their line manager as quickly as possible. Furniture and equipment will be maintained in good and efficient working order.

16. Slips and Trips and Falls

Floor surfaces must be kept free of obstructions (i.e. cables, boxes, equipment etc). Walkways are also fire escape routes and must be kept clear so that access and egress are not impeded during an emergency.

Liquid spills and broken glass or crockery must be swept up and dried with immediately. Body fluids will be handled in accordance with safe working practices and body spills kits are provided in each base and minibus.

17. General Housekeeping

ESYC offices and accommodations are cleaned regularly. However, all staff should ensure that their area is kept clean and tidy to minimise any unnecessary hazards. Vehicles must also be kept clean and tidy.

18. Storage

Materials and equipment must be stored or stacked in such a way that they are not likely to fall and cause an accident. Heavy or sharp objects should not be stored above head height.

Storage units and shelves will be fixed, stable and strong enough for the loads placed on them. Racks and shelving should be checked regularly for damage.

19. Smoking

In order to reduce the risk of fire and to protect the health of staff, smoking is not allowed in any building used by ESYC or on trips. Smoking is permitted during agreed breaks out of sight of the buildings. Smoking in front of young people accessing the organisation is not permitted either indoors or outdoors. Whilst acknowledging that smoking is a lifestyle choice, staff are discouraged from smoking on residentials.

20. Safety Signs

Where there is a risk to health and safety that cannot be controlled by any other practicable means, safety signs will be displayed to highlight the risk. Fire exit and directional signs will be displayed in all buildings to highlight safe exit routes.

In addition, ESYC will display the following:

• Employers Liability Insurance Certificate

• Health and Safety Law Poster

• Health and Safety Policy Statement (Sections 1 and 2 of this Policy)

• Health and Safety Organisation Chart

• Emergency Fire Evacuation Procedure

• Actions to be taken in the event of a Serious Accident

21. Hygiene and Welfare Facilities

Toilets are provided in all buildings with hot and cold running water, soap and hand towels.

There are no canteens in any building. However kettles, fridges and microwaves are available to prepare food. Staff are asked to ensure that an area is kept clear for food preparation and that food waste is disposed of appropriately.

22. Drinking Water

Drinking water is available in all buildings. Water coolers are provided in certain locations.

23. Key Holders

The Office Manager holds a list of authorised key holders.

24. Temperature, Lighting and Ventilation

As far as possible, appropriate heating and ventilation will be provided to ensure that temperature and humidity are maintained within the recommended comfort range. The minimum temperature in an office environment is 16oC. Whilst there is no maximum temperature, fans or adjustable blinds will be provided for use in hot weather.

Adequate lighting, whether natural or artificial, will be made available. If required, local lighting will be provided in places of particular risk. Staff should set their own standards of lighting to ensure a comfortable working environment.

25. Working Outdoors

There are particular hazards associated with working outdoors and staff should note the following:

The Sun - the dangers of exposure to the sun are well known. Sunburn is both painful and there is a danger of long term skin damage. If you are working outside wear a hat, loose, long sleeved clothing and work in the shade if possible. A high factor sunblock should be used.

Dehydration - even on cold days, and particularly on hot ones, it is possible to become dehydrated. If you are working away from base, it is important that you take plenty to drink and drink regularly. Signs of dehydration include a headache and feeling thirsty.

Heat Exhaustion - maintaining your body temperature while you are working can be difficult and suffering from heat exhaustion is not limited to hot, sunny days. It can be caused by the loss of salts and water due to excessive sweating and can be induced by hard physical work and dehydration. Symptoms include feeling dizzy and sick, confusion, headache, pale sweaty skin and cramps in the limbs or abdomen.
If you think you are suffering from heat exhaustion, let your Project manager know, move to a cool place and replace lost fluids and salts.

Hypothermia - this condition develops when the body temperature falls and can be caused by prolonged exposure to the cold and/or wet conditions. A high "wind-chill factor' can also substantially increase the risk of hypothermia setting in. It is always important to take correct clothing with you and never underestimate the changeability of the British weather - plan for the worst and hope for the best - a waterproof coat is essential! If you do get caught out and start to feel shivery and cold, let your Project Manager know immediately. Symptoms include pale, dry skin, blueing around the lips and nails and disorientation. There will normally be somewhere that you can go to warm up and dry off and a warm drink and high energy foods can quickly help you to feel better. We carry foil survival bags in our First Aid kits.

Lyme Disease - this is a rare bacterial infection, generally occurring in summer or early autumn, which is transmitted from animals to humans by the bite of a sheep or deer tick. It is characterised by a patch on the skin steadily increasing in size and gradually clearing in the centre to form a series of concentric rings - known as a target lesion. It is treatable at this stage by antibiotics. Later stages of the disease are much more difficult to treat and quite diverse in their nature, affecting various body systems. If you have been bitten by a tick or suspect that you may have contracted the disease, seek medical treatment immediately. Protective clothing and insect repellent should be worn if you may come into contact with grazing sheep or deer.

Tetanus - this is a very prolonged and extremely unpleasant illness which is invariably fatal. It can be contracted through contact with soil via cuts, abrasions or puncture wounds. Immunisation should be kept up to date and booster jabs are required every 10 years in most cases. Talk to your GP for advice about this.

Toxicara Canis - this micro-organism is found in dog faeces and one can encounter it on any outdoor activity. It can cause blindness in children although the risk to adults is not considered to be so great. If you get dog faeces on your skin or clothes, wash off immediately with soap and water.

Leptospirosis (Weils Disease) - is a rare bacterial infection carried in the urine of rats, foxes and domestic animals, which can contaminate water and wet banks. This infection can be contracted through outdoor activities. Infection usually occurs through cuts, abrasions and the lining of the nose, eyes and mouth. An incubation period of one to two weeks is followed by feverish flu-like symptoms, including redness of the eyes. The illness will usually last 4-9 days. In rare cases, where people are jaundiced, a second phase can develop and this is known as Weils disease and this can have severe results.
When working in or near potentially contaminated water, cuts should be covered with waterproof plasters and contact with water should be avoided. Exposed skin should be covered and waterproof gloves worn whenever possible. Hands should be washed before eating, drinking or smoking. Seek prompt medical attention from your GP and tell them that you have been working near water if symptoms appear.

26. Monitoring

The following monitoring will be carried out in all buildings and the outcomes reported to the Health and Safety Officer:

• Fire safety checks

• Activity room checks

• Project visits

• Health and safety reviews

• Policy reviews

• Risk assessment reviews

• Accident/incident data analysis

• Health and safety will be a standing item on the agendas of Board meetings, SMT and staff meetings.

27. Training and Instruction

All staff, including trainees and volunteers, will be briefed on health and safety matters at induction, when exposed to new risks and on the introduction of new equipment or work practices. Training in other activities will be assessed and provided where necessary. Records of safety related training will be maintained.

28. Consultation

ESYC will ensure that all staff and volunteers are made aware of the risks to their health and safety whilst at work, measures taken to minimise the risks, emergency procedures and organisational responsibilities. We will consult staff on matters affecting their health and safety by cascading information via line managers, notice boards and one-to-one by discussion and email.

Health and safety will be discussed in meetings at all levels and staff are encouraged to report any safety concerns.

29. Alcohol and Drugs

The consumption of alcohol and use of drugs or any other intoxicating substance
whilst on duty or before arriving for duty is forbidden. Any member of staff or volunteer found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disciplined.

Staff and volunteers should also be aware of the side effects from prescription and non-prescription medication (i.e. drowsiness). If taking medication, please inform your line manager.

30. Equality and Diversity

ESYC does not seek to differentiate between employees simply on the grounds of status and believes in equal opportunity for all irrespective of gender, marital status, parental status, colour, race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability or age.
ESYC believes that the performance of its employed staff and volunteer staff is central to the success of the organisation. The Board of Trustees and the Health and Safety Officer depend upon the skills and motivation of all those employed by the organisation to promote and develop the ethos of the organisation, and recognise that positive reinforcement of equal opportunities for all employees and the young people the organisation seeks to serve is essential for continued success and prosperity

Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated at ESYC. Any member of staff or volunteer who feels they are being bullied or harassed must report it to their line manager or supervisor.

All claims of bullying or harassment will be thoroughly investigated and disciplinary action taken as necessary. Please refer to the Equality and Diversity Policy

31. Disabled Access

ESYC aims to provide a full and fair opportunity for the employment of disabled persons and to ensure their continued employment and promotion. Employees who become disabled will be accorded every possible opportunity for maintaining their role or for retraining.

32. Work Related Stress

We take the effects of stress seriously and recognise that it can occur both in the workplace and our personal life. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that excessive stress is eliminated from the working environment and that any necessary risk assessments are carried out.

In addition we will provide suitable support mechanisms for work related stress related difficulties and will encourage a working environment where problems may be discussed openly and sensitively.

33. Waste Disposal

We try to recycle paper, cardboard, postage stamps and toner and suitable receptacles for waste collection are provided throughout the workplace. All staff should ensure that they dispose of waste in the receptacles provided. Waste disposal arrangements will be regularly reviewed and recycling initiatives adopted where reasonably practicable.

34. Dealing with Aggression, Threats and Violence

All staff are offered training in control and restraint and are encouraged to follow our guidelines to keep themselves safe – see Lone Working Policy and the Prevention and Management of Violence Policy.

35. Child Protection

ESYC fully recognises its responsibilities to have arrangements in place to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Through their contact with young people and work with families, staff have a crucial role to play in noticing indicators of possible abuse or neglect. The procedures to be followed are set out in the Child Protection Policy.

Appendix 1- relevant legislation

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) is the primary UK legislation on health and safety. There are a number of Regulations that support, enhance and clarify the requirements of the HSWA, which ESYC must comply with. These are:

• Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002

• Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002

• Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and amendment

• Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998

• Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996

• Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992

• Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

• Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002

• Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996

• Health and Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations 1990

• Health and Safety (Young Persons) Regulations 1997

• Low Voltage Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1989

• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

• Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

• Noise at Work Regulations 2006

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Work Regulations 2002

• Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER) Regulations 1998

• Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

• Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) Regulations 1995

• Working at Height Regulations 2005

• Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

In addition, the following HSE guidance has been considered:

• Successful Health and Safety Management (HSE – HSG65)

• Charity and Voluntary Workers – A Guide to Health and Safety at Work (HSE – HSG192)

Note: The above list is not exhaustive.